QR codes on social media: How to use them

Usage of QR codes on social media has become popular in recent times. People use it for paying or buying and for sharing data as well.

What is a QR codes on social media?

QR code is the short form for Quick Response code. So, as the name suggests makes machines perform functions quickly. A QR code is a kind of a barcode that has black rectangles. It can be scanned by a machine to quickly transfer information to it. It is a type of code that can transfer information from a device or an object to another device in a few seconds. The codes are only readable by the machine. A QR code contains data that can direct you to a website or can locate the source.

Benefits or uses of QR codes on social media

A QR code is useful in many ways.

  1. Businesses mainly use it as a form of advertisement in social media. It becomes a faster way to get to a website rather than searching for it or typing a URL.
  2. People can store and share valuable information through a QR code. A QR code can contain anything ranging from important documents to contacts or mail as well.
  3. You can also know where someone scans the code. It is beneficial to understand who has access to information. You can know the location as well.
  4. QR codes can store contact information and addresses as well.
  5. You may use it to access images, videos, and gifs.
  6. These codes are used as a source of shopping. A person scans the code of a product from his mobile device and gets delivered to him.
  7. QR codes widely help to facilitate payments. People can transfer money from bank accounts by scanning a QR code.
  8. It is the fastest way to direct the audience to your content.
    Scanning a QR code is very easy and convenient. You can do it on every mobile device by getting external applications. Some devices have a QR code scanner in built-in them.
QR codes on social media: Mobile media

How to use QR codes on social media

You can connect people from every social media platform directly to your website with QR codes. Return on Investment is very important for the business to survive. It is beneficial to learn how surveys can increase ROI for your business.

1. Create an informative and attractive page

The first and foremost thing to consider even before you use QR codes is to make a well-defined web page or site. This site should be the one you link with the QR code. Design the website carefully keeping in mind that you need it to be appealing. It is basic for every business. You need to give details on the product you make. The information should be up to date and the exact price should be available. There also can be a payment option so that viewers can buy it on the first visit. This is the main page that lets the viewers linger on the website.

2. Direct the codes to the same webpage in all social media platforms

When you share QR codes in all social media sites, it is important that it directs to the same website or page. When people access the same page from different social media sites, they recognize it. It directs the crowd to one place and people can identify the company easily. Doing this helps in keeping records of the visits. It is easier to manage one website rather than numerous. The important point is to be available on all social media sites. Share QR codes are all of them, the destination site being the same. A person hardly searches for a business on his own. So, you need to make him visit your site without searching. This is easily possible with QR codes. The training of the workforce is important as it increases the productivity of the entire organization.

QR codes on social media: Scanner

3. Search for applications that support QR codes

If you want to take advantage of QR codes, you need to know which applications provide them. Snapchat uses QR codes. Those are mainly promoted to your account so that people can scan and add you as a friend. Apart from this in Snapchat, you can also share links in stories and by other means in QR codes. These are also called snapcodes. There are other social media sites that let your share codes as well. A code is something that you can share anywhere. The person needs to have a scanning tool for using it.

4. Track the scans

It is always beneficial for your business if you track the scans. You need to track how many times people are scanning the QR code. From this, you can understand how many visits you get and how many of them become fruitful. In this way, you can understand your market statistics. It helps you to stay in control of your sales with QR codes. You can easily conduct polls in slack by following few easy steps.

QR codes on social media: Conclusion


QR codes are a new way of promoting companies and products. In many places, these codes have made life easier. You also get to order products by simply scanning. These are a few ways in which you can make effective use of QR codes to encode links. If you aspire to be a CEO. Then, study these complete guide on CEOs.Please do leave a comment down below and share with us your views regarding the topic. It would be great to hear from you. Feel free to offer any suggestions that you want to share with us. We will be absolutely delighted to hear your suggestions and improve our content.

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